Nominees for the Western Fictioneers Peacemaker Award will be announced on May 15th and the winners will be announced on June 15th.
The WF Peacemaker will be awarded in three categories:
Best Western Novel – Western novel published during the award year set in the appropriate time period (1830-1920), 30,000 words and higher. There are no format requirements. The novel may be a hardcover, trade paperback, mass market paperback, or eBook, as long it has been published by an appropriate publisher.
Best Western Short Fiction – Western short story, novelette, or novella published during the award year set in the appropriate time period (1830-1920), 500 words to 29,999 words. There are no format requirements.The short story may be published in any publication, print or electronic, and can be self-published.
Best Western First Novel – Must meet the same requirements as Best Novel, and must be the author’s first published Western novel. If the author has published novels in any other genre they will not disqualify the author from the Best Western First Novel Award competition. Submissions for Best Western First Novel may also be submitted in the Best Novel category in the same year.
Submissions for the Peacemaker Awards for the current year will be open in August. Submission guidelines will be posted on the WF web site at that time.